Although the ISSD Adult Guidelines are specifically directed to the treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), dissociation in children may be seen as a malleable developmental phenomenon that may accompany a wide variety of childhood presentations. Symptoms of dissociation are seen in populations of children and adolescents with other disorders such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD; Putnam, Hornstein, & Peterson, 1996), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD; Stien & Waters, 1999) and reactive attachment disorder, as well as in general populations of traumatized and hospitalized adolescents (Sanders & Giolas, 1991; Atlas, Weissman, & Liebowitz, 1997) and delinquent adolescents (Carrion & Steiner, 2000). These treatment principles, therefore, are intended for children and adolescents with diagnosed dissociative disorders, as well as for those with a wide variety of presentations accompanied by dissociative features. In other words, the Guidelines identify general principles applicable to dissociative processes regardless of the child’s* presenting diagnosis.
Richtlijnen voor de behandeling van dissociatieve symptomen bij kinderen en adolescenten
mei 25, 2021 | Standaarden
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